

俚语 jingleheimer


A verb mostly (noun at times), based off of the old song "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt".
Urban meaning- is to sing an annoying or catchy song or jingle that gets stuck in someone else's head.

(My roommate used to wake up in the morning singing things like "I've been workin on the railroad", etc. which would then get stuck in my head for hours. this happened so frequently that I decided we needed to have a name for when that happens. )
You would use this as a verb (you can shorten it as well) as in-
"You just heimered me!" or "I just heimered myself singing that commercial!"
as a noun you could say "That song is a Jingleheimer!"
If you want to clarify as a positive or negative you can say "jingleheimer" for a catchy, cool song and say"jangleheimer" for an annoying song.


verb: "to fuck vigerously"

origin: the song john jacob jinglehimer smith, whihc was chnged to accompany an ot3 made by silly girls. ot3=one tru 3some fyi...

"i jingleheimered susie really hard last night"

"yeah, well i got jingleheimered by your mom. what now?"

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

A Fictional song character in which children like to sing about while making their voice softer and louder after each verse. Singing this also lets people say DA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA as loud as they would like.
Surprisingly, His name is your name too
Person 1: Hey guy

Person 2: Hey, whats your name?

Person 1: John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

Person 2: THATS MY NAME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

Your name, my name, your family's name, everyone's name.
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, His name is my name too!!!

John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith

His name is my name ,too.
Whenever we go out, the people always shout John Jacob Jingleheimer Smith DADADADA. It's goddamn annoying. I wish they'd all go back to their own lives.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:42:40