The language made when a person learning Japanese puts in english words when they don't know the vocbulary.
1. kyou, kaimono de -clothes- wo kaimashita
(Today, I bought -clothes- at the shop.)
2. Jimmy doesn't know the words for the activities he did on holidays, so he's writing his holiday recount in jinglish.
(Today, I bought -clothes- at the shop.)
2. Jimmy doesn't know the words for the activities he did on holidays, so he's writing his holiday recount in jinglish.
The language my hubby (with the initial J)speaks when he is incredibly drunk.
"Abububjlle!" he said in Jinglish as he raised another pint.
Is a type language that is spoken by a Chinese person that lives in Australia. Is not as good as English, but better than Chinglish. Often spoken by people with the name Jin.
Jin speaks jinglish.