

俚语 jino


Acronym for Jew in name only. A jew who is a jew only because he or she came out of a jewish vagina. However, the JINO does not practice Judaism in any way, shape, or form.
ex. JINO: Jake Gyllenhaal.


A Jew in Name Only. This type of Jew has no reverence for their heritage or the historical struggles of their people. They usually start a sentence with “as a Jew…” only to end with something that is decidedly not consistent with Jewish thought, values, history, or beliefs. Additionally, they are often propped up by antisemites as ‘one of the good ones’ in order to validate the discriminatory behaviors committed against the majority.
That JINO posted Jewish Voice for Peace to their Instagram story.

Most JINOs go to Temple Beth “As a Jew”

Jordan is such a JINO. She would gladly let an Arab nationalist butt-fuck her if it gave her woke points on Twitter.

I bet that JINO says “Shema Poland” when they prey.


A casual word for naming or labeling a noun as retarded, or mentally incapacitated.
"You're totally jino today."
"Stop acting jino, bish!"
"Why the hell are we dressed so jino today?"


Extraordinary awesome.
That movie was jino!


When your friend is drunk and settles for a really ugly chick. This might happen with a chick that settles for a ugly guy while being drunk.
Bro you jinoed hard last night!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:48:52