A very talented young man, very attractive and muscular. One of the bravest men you will ever meet and capable of anything due to his confidence. Ladies are usually thrilled when they hear about this man because he is down to earth and friendly but can have one heck of an attitude.
That guy is so awesome ! its almost as if he is a Joaquim !
A tall young man, very talented and charismatic. A Joaquim is often very insecure about who he is and his talents, but i can assure you, he is astonishingly great at everything he tries. He's very passionate about what he loves and will defend his friends at all costs. He's an amazing friend, and he needs to realize that.
- Hey man, you're so cool! Are you a Joaquim?
To begin with, Joaquim will never do his homework so never, NEVER ask homework from him. He also has no friends other than a group which is known as the, "BAD KIDS," well they used to. He is friends with all the, "Popular," girls and try's to get in their pants, but fails horribly. He is an anime weaboo trash, that watches Boku No Pico. He loves video games and is fun to play with, very entertaining and is like the class clown. Although he is all of this he could be a good friends and lighten up the moods of everyone around. Finally he is a sugar daddy to nobody.
Friend: Hey Joaquim did you do the homework?
Joaquim: Umm, we had homework?
Joaquim: Umm, we had homework?
Joaquim is usually a soft-spoken pushover with little to no social skills. He's a big weeaboo, and doesn't stand his ground- and it's not unusual for him to end up lying there due to his lack of attention to his surroundings. Joaquim is an unusually picky eater with a skewed sleep cycle.
Joaquim: I tripped today.
Person: Of course you did.
Person: Of course you did.
a gay porn addict with no social skills who cant stop qweefing in public
rishi: ew who wont stop qweefing?! 🤢🤢
jaideep: its probably Joaquim
jaideep: its probably Joaquim
Someone driven by greed, silly dreams about getting millionaire by investing on the stock exchange, lack of passion for any healthy activity in life and well known for sending spam mail 24/7.
Hermendo: Hey Jonas, let's become cops in Des Moine. I don't mind getting shot on the head as long as I can make 5 grande a month.
Jonas : you're such a joaquim, Hermez. Mira tu shit vida, usted fucking cabron!
Jonas : you're such a joaquim, Hermez. Mira tu shit vida, usted fucking cabron!
Joaquim Alberto
Ola Oi Hello Salut, caros amiguinhos, irmaos. Bem dispostos ? EU : Pensao MINIMA de 220 Euros, Tostoes, e MAIS NADA. Incrivel e impressionante ! Artista, autor, fragil, Homem HETERO TOTAL , muito justo, puro, original Spa, muito sobrio, verdadeiro e HONESTO. Sem duvida. Tem bastante paz, cultura geral, ALIMENTACAO suficiente saudavel, ocupacao diaria, livres de vicios, algum dinheirinho no bolso, uma excelente companhia, esperancas, nenhum familiar que chateie, projetos, silencio, SAUDE e MUITO CARINHO ? Gostam dos meus videos ? Sao bonitos ? PAZ, MUITO AMOR, BEM, IGUALDADE, Justica Social, Honestidade, humildade e reparticao da riqueza SEMPRE. Felicidades ! Boa Sorte. FIGURA PUBLICA de Portugal. Beijinhos e abracos. Bonne chanse. Good luck. Kanimambo.
quem me dera ser como o Joaquim Alberto