

俚语 jockblock

Jock Block

When someone who is a jock or anywhere near sporty gets in your way.

guy 1: I was walking down the road the other day and some rugby player totally stopped in front me.

guy 2: Dude, you got Jock Blocked!

Jock Block

(v.) The act of ruining a jock's chances with an attractive lady. Similar to a cock block, but perpotrated by a nerd/geek/social outcast.
A: Dude, that quarterback totally crashed and burned with that cheerleader.

B: Yeah, Derek from Trig jock blocked him. Hacked his Facebook account and posted that homeboy's 'chalmydia subsided'.

A: Epic win for Derek.

jock block

when some tool with shit for brains and huge muscles steals your girl.
that asshole in the tapout shirt just jock blocked the fuck out of me.


when two or more females and at least one male are saying goodnight and the situation occurs where one female makes the other say goodnight before her to prevent the first girl being alone with male.
'i wanted to kiss Mike back there and you like, totally jock-blocked me!'

Jock on Block

When the male penis becomes hard unexpectingly.
"Man my girl was staring at me all funny and shit, I look down, and my jock on block."

Jock Block

When your kid prevents you from getting a workout
When you put your baby down at 7 pm and she cries uncontrollably when you leave the house to work out until your spouse calls for you to return.

"honey' you have been jock blocked. Too many tears you must come home"




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