Jodeka is the most funnies yet the sweetest person. They are typically Sagittarius so super social and very caring. They hang out with everyone, but their circle is small meaning that they only share the deepest things with their closest ones. To be her friend, matching her energy and vibe is important. They may seem judgy and cold at first but once you meet them and talk to them, they'll be the funniest people ever. Jodeka is typically has a very bubbly personality and enjoys being with people who make her laugh and feel loved. She hates people who lie and can tell them apart very easily. SO DON'T LIE TO THEM! If they see that something is fishy about you or something annoys them, they won't be afraid to tell that to your face. Jodeka's are very savage and if they don't like you, they won't like you.
Here Jodeka comes!!!
Jodeka is a typical Asian name that mostly originated from the eastern side. Jodeka is a person who hangs out with everyone but only chooses the most precious ones. She is a person who loves compassion and true friendships. Jokes and humor always attract you to Jodeka. She'll only hangs out with people who match her energy and vibe. Jodeka is very pretty and may seem rude, cold and judgy at first but once you get to know them, they are the sweetest yet funniest people you'll ever meet in your life.
Jodeka, here she comes!!!