

俚语 joe papa's

joe papa

the new trend on the internet he never came back with the milk
kyle: do you know joe
peter: joe mama?
kyle: no joe papa

Papa Joe

Rare, complete and utter bad ass, better than chuck Norris, often known as a drug kingpin, can do anything he desires, no regard to others, many have high respect for such a person. Hates complaints and bitches.
Lives a wild live, similar to a king.
Papa Joe will kick your ass.

Papa Joe

The action of a man inserting of his right testicle in the anal cavity of a man or preferably woman. Then proceeding to ejaculate in side a trash can.
Guy 1: Yo, man, I Papa Joed in your sister last night.

Guy 2: That's Nice!!!

Papa Joe

Papa Joe is an Italian music teacher at a private high-school.
Hey Papa Joe, what’s the rythme of the song?

Papa Joe

Papa Joe - Describes your Grandfather after your friends meet your Grandfather and they tell your he is a "Kool Old Dude!", and the Joe is common name for an unnamed person, hence, Your Grandfather is a real Papa Joe!
That dude over there is a real Papa Joe. Another example and more personal, Connor's Grandfather is a real Papa Joe as he treated us to a day at the shore!

So see anybody or anyone can have a Papa Joe if they have a Grandfather who is a "Kool Old Dude, or KOD"!

joe papa

the hottest sexiest unstablest man youll ever meet
nigga 1: "i love joe papa's bbc"
nigga 2: "yeah same!! joe papa is so cool"

Papa Joe

A nickname for Joseph Stalin, Lord and Savior of the gulags
Person: Hmm i wish we could have some fo-
Papa Joe: G U L A G




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:34:07