

俚语 joff


1) a misspelling of jeff even though the E key is 5 keys away from the O key
2)a mocking name of someone who is lazy or annoying
3)the name of a diabolical sandwich only made by gods of cooking
1) Hey joff!
2)i think you are more of a joff.
3)im gonna SLAM that Joff


Mixing the words jacking and off
“Sorry bro I was joff”


The abrevation of the phrase "jacking off" which is the act of stoking a cock until completion
"Dude Caleb, I had a major Joff session last night, shit got wild"
"After work I'm gonna go home, make some food, Joff real quick, then maybe take a shower"


The ship name for Youtube star Jack Maynard and Reality star Georgia (toff) Toffolo.
Isn’t Joff just a match made in heaven?!


Someone that appreciates the underrated world of randomness

A Randomist
he wore his labcoat while wondering around the museum, such joffish behaviour.


The most amazing dude, loves rats, probably gay as Hell. He's great, an amazing friend, just the best. Gets overly obsessed with things very easily, and probably annoys his friends because of talking about his obsessions so much. He's very handsome.
-"Did you hear about that guy who has a crush on his sibling?"
-"Yeah, his name is Joff!"
-"Wait, but isn't he gay?"

to joff

a verb meaning 'to muck about'. said when somebody is being particularly silly or annoying.
'stop joffing about'
'i was joffing about'
'i thought he was going to joff about today'




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:54:23