John Smeaton
John Smeaton - Hero For Our Time, the man who saved Glasgow Airport from a terrorist attack on 30/6/07.
“This is Glasgow, and we’ll no accept this. You try this and we’ll set about ye!!!” John Smeaton 30/06/07.
John Smeaton once ate an after eight at ” hauf seven ” !
John Smeaton can unscramble a scrambled egg!
When Smeaton peels an onion, the onion greets.
Giraffes were created when John Smeaton hit a horse with an uppercut.
John Smeaton once ate an after eight at ” hauf seven ” !
John Smeaton can unscramble a scrambled egg!
When Smeaton peels an onion, the onion greets.
Giraffes were created when John Smeaton hit a horse with an uppercut.