

俚语 jonah hill

jonah hill

Jewish-American actor, recently famous for roles in Apatow pictures like the "Knocked Up" and "Forgetting Sarah" Marshall. He also played the lead role as "Seth" in the 2007 comedy hit "Superbad"
Jonah Hill as Seth in "Superbad": I wash and dry! I'm like a single mother.

Jonah Hill

Director. Actor. Comedian. Very funny and talented. Worked on movie such as Super Bad, Mid 90’s, Wolf of Wall Street, etc.
Often gets confused with absolute stud Liam Lesser.
Friend 1: Hey, is that Jonah Hill!!
Friend 2: Nah, that just absolute stud Liam Lesser!
Friend 1: Oh yea, they look alike.

Jonah Hill

One of the funniest motherfuckers alive. Best known for his role in Superbad, Hill has just recently had a solid breakthrough in his career, and has thus proven himself to be a strong and hilarious member of the Apatow group alongside Seth Rogen, Michael Cera and Jason Segel.

Also appears in Knocked Up, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Walk Hard and the upcoming Funny People.
Guy 1: Man that Jonah Hill is one funny guy!

Guy 2: Who's Jonah Hill?

Guy 1: He's the fat guy from Superbad!

Guy 2: Oh yeah! I love that funny fat dude!

Jonah Hill

A talentless Hollywood "actor" who is only made it cos of his religion
That guy didn't deserve his job, he only got it cos of his "connections" - what a total Jonah Hill!!!!!

Jonah Hill Glow-up

A male friend who thinks they are hot shit now because they got pit vipers and/or a piercing and talk down to ever
Richard: Wylie really had that Jonah hill Glow-Up
Isaiah: Frfr he’s such a douche now

National Jonah Hill Day

March 25 being National Jonah Hill Day the day that Kanye West officially started liking Jewish people again after rewatching hit movie “21 jump street” starring Jonah Hill
You wanna go watch 21 jump street since it’s National Jonah Hill Day

Jonah Hills

A female with large breasts
Dude, I would so ride her Jonah Hills




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更新时间:2024/5/20 11:48:34