

俚语 jonnyed


1. When you utterly dominate someone in a intelligent manner.

2. When you are enlightened by someones comment.

3. To be mind blown
- "Hey man, did you just see that lawyer ? ...he just got jonnyed

- "Wow thanks man, that was some powerfull stuff, i was just jonnyed the whole"

- "Hey man did you speak to Robert?"
"No, not yet.. why?"
"All i can say is that he jonnys me every time"

Origin - from the old soul yet young in figure Sir Jonathan A E (aka "Jonny")
known for his philosophical and entertaining insight he had on matters that were simple in speech yet powerful in meaning.

jonny jonny

jonny jonny. he ate sugar. and that was the end of him
jonny jonny ,yes papa,eating sugar,no papa,open wide , a a a


Scavenging the shit out of someones food pantry leaving them with no more food and pissed off.
"Yo Marshawn lets go Jonnying at Millers house".

The Jonnys

The Jonny's is when you take a huge hit of weed, but then start throwing up and shaking, and coughing hard. Last about 2 minutes.
Alex: hey tony u just took a one hit wonder (Gravity bong)
Tony: yeah I think I'm gonna get The Jonnys
Jonny:he he threw up (bhllllleeeee)


Jonny is the master of any sport and has iron balls with a dick of a gorilla.

He can run faster than anyone.
Eats 24/7 but is fit as hell.
Also the person who will do anything you tell him to do like ding ding ditching the mayor or pantsing a teacher
A Jonny would never simp or disrespect the bro code.
Somehow gets straight A’s on his grade but does the mist random shit you will ever see
A Jonny is a leader of a friend group with popular people

Everyone knows him.
Jaiden: Do you know Jonny

Mason: You mean the hella fast runner with an iron cock

Jaiden: Ya that one


Jonni is a guy name. But there's a lot of girls with this name. A girl who's name is Jonni is very gorgeous, beautiful, hot, sexy and pretty. It's kind of hard to please a Jonni, a Jonni doesn't like very many people. Jonni is very stylish, and probably every guy think's she is etleast cute. A Jonni has HUGE boobs, and a nice body. And Jonni's are usaully nice if she is in a good mood. And a Jonni is probably the biggest bitch if she's in a bad mood. And a Jonni never stop's smiling or laughing!!!!!!!


Probably the best person ever, a total goof but so sweet and caring. Very attractive and adorable. Has the best lashes and brows EVER, like what the hell how is that possible. Also a fucking beast at running, also unknown on how the hell its possible. Just a pretty great dude.
Yo, who dat fast boi
Dude that jonny




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:30:51