

俚语 jorming


The action of being Jorma Kaukonen
That guitarist is really Jorming.


A dickhead trying to be cool but fails miserably
OMG You are such a Jorm on that show


A storm of jeans
"Yo I'm about to go to topman and seriously buy all the new Jean's!!! A total jorm!! "


Jerk Off aRM - When the dominant arm of a male is much stronger than the other arm. This condition is usually induced by excessive masturbation.
Damn with a jorm like that, you must have some serious beat burn.

buttcheeks is jorm

U.S. Slang, meaning it's all good, copacetic, everything is copacetic. Can also mean "okay." Generally a response to "sup", "how's it hangin?", "how are things?", "how are you?", "Are you?"

alternate spellings and forms: Jormy

Originated in California, but spread throughout the U.S. The large scale dissimenation of the saying was due mostly to the touring band Snowglobe who used the phrase quite frequently and named a song after it.

Q: "How have things been?"
A: "ehh. buttcheeks is jorm"

Q: "Did you get that job you interviewed for?"
A: "Yeah, I did."
Q: "What's it like? are you happy with the pay, benefits, etc?"
A: "Buttcheeks is Jorm."

Q: "how are things in the dirty south"
A: "Jormy!"


An ambiguous answer to a yes or no question to leaves the requester confused.
Rich: Is your girlfriend joining us tonight?
Dan: Jorm.


A storm of jeans
"Yo I'm about to go to topman and seriously buy all the new Jean's!!! A total jorm"




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