person who loves, support and protect jonaxx at all cost
JSLs are the best
JSL stands for Jen Sized Lines. It is an extreme large unmeasurable line of cocaine, consisting of at least 1 gram at a minimum. JSL's must be taken in a single pass.
Holy crap Austin, I'm shocked you tried that JSL. To bad that you failed.
Jsl stands for “Josh Schorn Laugh” which is a much better term than the old Lol.
That joke was a Jsl
JSL, also known as Jam Stick Limit, it is the limit of when using a jam container is not advised, because it is sticky.
Joe: Wow, this jam container is stuck to my hand.
Jack: I told you it was past its JSL
Jack: I told you it was past its JSL
Stands for "just shat laughing"
Ahahaha I literally jsl cuz of that.
A word in which has no meaning. Usually used when there is nothing to say on the internet.
Bob: Where do you want to eat?
Dave: aslfjaskl;fjaskl;jsl;kghwl
Dave: aslfjaskl;fjaskl;jsl;kghwl
JSL Admins
CEO of breaking their own rules.
Approved, mocked, laughed at someones disorder.
Approved, mocked, laughed at someones disorder.
"JSL admins are clowns."
"JSL admins are insensitive."
"JSL admins are insensitive."