

俚语 juany


Best gf in the whole wide world very pretty and has amazing boobies 😁👍🏼
Juany marry me pls 😁👍🏼🦙🔫


The most gorgeous girl of all. Who will always be on top. Juanis will always surprise you with a 4.0 gpa. She is very smart and has lots of friends and family who love her and adore her. She is kind and humble as a leaf and honorable as a princess
Omg have you met that girl Juanis she is so sweet.


Someone who’s nice and an overachiever. Anxious and full of love <3
Me: Yo Juani how u doin

Juani: HAhahahah good I guess
Me: okay
Juani: I didn’t sleep at all last night

Me: what
Juani: what


Juanie is someone who is secretly in love with a girl named Lina. She will murder every girl Lina looks at, she will inject her cum in Lina's veins. She has grown a romantic obsession with Lina.
"who's in love with lina?"


Italian Meatball
Shit, last night I eat too much Juanis


Someone to whom is extremely uneducated in incapable of wiping there own ass
Jeez that guys in such a fucking juani


A girl name JUANI is girlfriend material she loving and sweet she will do anything to make you happy she likes to spend money alit she had alot of friends and family members who love her ♥️
Juani is a girlfriend material
A girl name juani is loving
A girl name juani is the best to date🥰




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:01:50