

俚语 judger


One who continuously invokes criticisms and/or true statements toward all others around them, with the continuous pursuit of attaining the premier, elitist, victorious, and ass-kicking status of a true judger, who is by the way, so much better than everyone else. Judgers exhibit inherent behaviors by ramming self-confidence and unfortunate-looking or unfortunate sounding victims into the ground. The judger may strike at any time, place, and/or dream. Judgers may laugh, sneer, and/or point and cackle at you in person, over the phone, or via social networking devices, especially if you're eating tofu. The judger does not discriminate in any way, shape, or form in his or her judgment against any person, animal, spirit, or little green man. Judgers' common victims may include: pimply-faced teenagers, hippies, hipsters, fugly people, preppies, farmers, emotional train wrecks, bros, foes, hoes, and your great-aunt Sally. Cross-category judging may occur if a judgee elects to do so, and thus becomes a judger. No one judges the judger.

Some people call me the judger... I just tell the truth.

Fake judger

To judge someone but save your own ass by saying "But I'm not judging you." or "Everyone knows ec."
Barbara: Everyone knows Vanilla drinks are the best.
Wade: So is smoking pot.
Barbara: Smoking pot is filthy everyone knows that but I'm not judging you as filthy
Wade: your such a Fake Judger I think u need self reflection.


a word that was popular in the Philippines back in 2019

it was used by a so called "dumb" girl on twitter
girl: guys you'll are judgers




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:54:13