July 22 2010
If you were born on this date you are special to a lot of people and a lot of people like you, you look good everyday and every night and stay positive. People born on July 22 2010 are the must trust worthy people and deserve everything in the world they are good looking and the malt caring people ever!
Kid: hey its July 22 2010
July 22 2010
I don’t know what to say <3
This person is worth more than 1029388229 moons and deserves a lot of happiness if this person is ever going through something they just need somebody to talk to and somebody to understand them this person goes through a lot but they will get though it. This person is a cancer, cancers are emotional so this person is emotional and being emotional is okay! This person cares about their close friends but they try not to care too much because they don’t want to ruin their own life by caring too much even though they know they will continue caring about their close ones. They can at the same time make you cry without noticing but they will find out when you are feeling down and try to help somehow, they can be selfish but usually only for good causes ONLY FOR GOOD CAUSES for example they can be selfish because they are going through something and they know they need to help Themselves. Memories can really affect them in a lot of ways. And this person also doesn’t know how much people care about them so I just wanna say that.
This person is worth more than 1029388229 moons and deserves a lot of happiness if this person is ever going through something they just need somebody to talk to and somebody to understand them this person goes through a lot but they will get though it. This person is a cancer, cancers are emotional so this person is emotional and being emotional is okay! This person cares about their close friends but they try not to care too much because they don’t want to ruin their own life by caring too much even though they know they will continue caring about their close ones. They can at the same time make you cry without noticing but they will find out when you are feeling down and try to help somehow, they can be selfish but usually only for good causes ONLY FOR GOOD CAUSES for example they can be selfish because they are going through something and they know they need to help Themselves. Memories can really affect them in a lot of ways. And this person also doesn’t know how much people care about them so I just wanna say that.
Daniella: Hey is that person born on July 22 2010 because I really wanna be friends with them