

俚语 june 6

June 6

fuckin best day of the year oh my word literally the best people have this birthday best day of the year
John: Hey when’s your birthday?
Rose: June 6
John: Holy shit best birthday ever, twins

June 6

If your born on this date you are the prettiest human being alive and you’re best friend forever is born in October
She is pretty because she was born on June 6

June 6

June 6 is national get dick day (D-Day)
Her: I want dick
Friend: girl it’s june 6, get some dick bitchhhh

June 6

National Slap Le ass day (have fun Jaiden)
Yo homies, Its June 6 ya know what that means.....SLAP LE ASS DAY

June 6

National short friend day. If your friend is short you should like give them all your life savings. And your lunch, just cause.
Short friend: hey guys it’s June 6 you know what that means!
Tall friend: noo I gave you all my money last year and I got sick cause you made me switch lunches with you and I’m allergic to peanuts!

June 6

June 6! It's summer break yay! No homework!
Yay June 6 it's summer break!

June 6

June 6th is national get laid day
Hey it’s June 6th I’m gonna go get laid




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