juno suttin lyte
Adj- an ignorant phrase used to describe something that is normally a big deal or issue but, in complete sarcasm and/or obnoxious clownery, can be classifed as small problem or something you should not be worried about at all. Often times, it is said in situations where a normal human being would be extremely concerned or impressed (depends on the context used), but in the true meaning of the phrase it is solely targeted to be used by ignorant and brainless college students. Usually stated as its abbreviation, JSL.
Antonym: juno suttin heavii
Antonym: juno suttin heavii
CM: Yo what happened with you last night?
Monahan: Didn't pay for a single drink at the bar, bummed 3 lips and 2 bones no problem, and ended up catchin gums and having a threesome with two smokeshows who, without a doubt, have genital warts..juno suttin lyte
CM: Shmmieeehhhhhhh
Monahan: Didn't pay for a single drink at the bar, bummed 3 lips and 2 bones no problem, and ended up catchin gums and having a threesome with two smokeshows who, without a doubt, have genital warts..juno suttin lyte
CM: Shmmieeehhhhhhh