

俚语 juoksukaljat


Grab n' go beers. Popular sport in Finland.

In short: Grabbing beercans from local grocery store and leaving (running) without paying.
Juoksukaljat in english literally means runbeers. The word "juoksu" (run) comes from the style: in order to escape you have to run.
How it works:
1. Enter a grocery store where you wont usually go (the cashier doesnt recognize you)
2. Cover your face
3. Grab a sixpack or larger (NOTE: try to grab one with a HANDLE because then you can grab two sixpacks or even more.
4. Run through the cash desk as fast as you can.
5. Someone needs to be at door to open it for you
6. ???
7. Profit

This is art in Finland
Ei vittu, Make kuulemma otti juoksukaljat ja jäi kiinni.

Hyvät juoksukaljat otin tänään. Yhteensä 12 tölkkiä.




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