

俚语 just one of the guys

Just one of the guys

A girl guys are comfortable around and the girl is comfortable around guys
Rita: Oh Jesse is Just one of the guys, she would never shop at Hollister.

George: She is so awesome though!

Just One of the Guys

When a girl tries so desperately hard to impress a guy(s), she engorges her self in all of their specific interests, making sure that she knows everything about everything so that she has a solid conversation piece to use around them. Thus becoming "just one of the guys," and losing any chance of ever dating one of them. Usually resulting in excessive weight gain, pony tails, and gollum bangs.
"Hey, um, I was thinking maybe you and I could go play Fallout 3 at my house some time this week, and possibly go to dinner or something afterwards...? <3333"
"Well, that sounds like fun.. But I just want to be clear.. I think we're better as friends.. I've known you so long- I actually think of you more so as just one of the guys."




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