

俚语 jute box zero

Jute Box Zero

The person (typically male) who has accumulated a music library on their iPod that all others would dream of, but wastes it by insisting that one must only listen to their crappy On-The-Go playlists, or llisten to it exclusively on shuffle without skipping songs; thus creating the Dentist Music Effect and therefore becoming the guy nobody likes.
Shane: "Have you seen Todd's iPod!?"

Lisa: "No."

Shane: "Oh, well it has every song anyone could possibly ever want, AND he updates it regularly. Too bad he's a jute box zero and never lets me listen to anything but his Simon & Garfunkle playlist and his extensive collection of Louisiana Blue Grass.

Lisa: "What a fucker! I hate Todd!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:55:18