

俚语 jòòrs mclâus

Jòòrs Mclâus

The term “Jòòrs Mclâus” represents a legal concept similar to force majeure, but with a unique twist. It signifies a global nullifying effect on an established formal contract agreement, rendering it temporarily or even permanently unenforceable due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the parties' control.

Just as force majeure clauses in contracts are designed to address unforeseen events that may prevent or delay the performance of contractual obligations, “Jòòrs Mclâus” serves a similar purpose in nullifying the effects of a contract. This term reflects the idea that external factors can disrupt the fulfillment of contractual obligations on a global scale, necessitating a provision for nullification.

When faced with a situation where “Jòòrs Mclâus” comes into play, it is essential to follow certain steps:

Recognition: Parties involved in the contract must acknowledge the occurrence of the nullifying event that triggers the “Jòòrs Mclâus” provision.
Notification: The affected party should promptly notify the other party/parties about the activation of the “Jòòrs Mclâus” provision and the reasons behind it.
Party 1: Okay, lets go Sailing now”
Party 2 “Jòòrs Mclâus" (signifying the agreement made is now nullified)
Party 1 “You said if I gave you a rusty trombone, that you would take me sailing on your yacht.”
Party 1 “ohh wow, so I lick you’re a-hole and get you off and you call "jòòrs mclâus"
Party 2 “Yep, that’s how we do business here”




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:25:24