Uncommon name for an uncommon person. Literally one of the most unique people you will ever find. Finding a Kaedi is like finding a unicorn. She/he has the most interesting and complex mind and will often be lost in his/her deep thoughts. You will never think you need a Kaedi until you have one. You will never really understand a Kaedi but you will love them and they will make an impact on you
Wow that was quite out of the ordinary. What a Kaedi thing to do/she’s a real Kaedi
Hi Kaedi you weirdo
Hi Kaedi you weirdo
A beautiful person who is there to help no matter what is happening. Kaedy means intelligent and smart as well as pretty. She is awesome and kind
Go see Kaedy to make her day tell her she amazing because she is.
The name of a chill and vibby person .She is creative and funny .A great friend with a nice ass.
Kaedie was chill'n
A chill and vibby bad bitch .She is creative and fun.
Kaedie was drawing