

俚语 kalaba


"A way to call ur toxic friends or ugly friends"
oyyyy si kalabae


A very beautiful and elegant woman, though very mischievous and naughty. Kalaba may seem angelic to the naked eye, but she’s a devil in disguise. Kalaba has the face of an angel and the Ass of a dump truck. Kalaba’s ass has been known to have mysterious powers of distorting the mind of its viewer. She’s best suited with a tall, handsome Taurus man, as she’s usually very short. ONLY A STUBBORN TAURUS MAN CAN HANDLE HER! Also she puts in the milk before the cereal....huge red flag, I knowww
Person: DAMN! You see the woman on that ass!!
Person again: I mean, the ass on that woman, damn

Other person: yep! That’s definitely a Kalaba!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:42:04