Film movement pioneered by Matt Reel (director of "The Goat Sucker" and "All The French Are Whores).
Refers to a type of film that pushes the boundaries, and 'exploits' all that is considered art. Basically, an artsploitation film is to arthouse cinema was sexploitation is to porn.
Refers to a type of film that pushes the boundaries, and 'exploits' all that is considered art. Basically, an artsploitation film is to arthouse cinema was sexploitation is to porn.
Darren: Have you seen "October March"?
Jorge: No, is that the new exploitation film?
Darren: Hardly. It's the new ARTSPLOITATION film.
Jorge: Oh boy, do I feel dumb!
Jorge: No, is that the new exploitation film?
Darren: Hardly. It's the new ARTSPLOITATION film.
Jorge: Oh boy, do I feel dumb!