

俚语 arunas


An attractive girl who cares about the people around her and also can be really fun around people.She is someone that everyone loves.
Who is that that girl that is surrounded by a lot of people?
Oh,that's Aruna.She is very friendly and once you talk to her,you can't stop talking to her.You will like her just like everyone does.


She's a very different and unique person. She's someone who believes in the fascinating facets of the world and is very innocent. She's stronger than she knows and she's kind. She's been through some deep stuff but she keeps on being a fighter. Her smile shows her strength and her bravery
Girl : I wish I could be strong like aruna


Prettiest looking girl out there. She possesses a charisma that nobody could ever match. Glows 24/7 and is super beautiful like her name.

Aruna - A drop of golden sun / Sunlight
“woah she’s so pretty!”
“I know! She’s Aruna”


You are an aruna


the shit, the man, superb guy, turbo man, power brained.
damn, u fakin' arunas, u fakin' real thing nigga


Several interconnected meanings:

- radiance
- dawn
- the vermilion/red colors that are seen during dawn
Hey Aruna, you're looking radiant today!


a tall, skinny, funny, and overall lovely indian who likes popozao.
look its aruna...hey where'd she go? did she turn to the side cuz i cant see her!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:50:21