Definition: The consumption of humongous quantities of tasty food with awesome company different places across the globe
History: Derived from the Dutch verb Kanen, the Spanish fusion was established in Valencia in 2016 by the Famous Liewe Schrover and travel companion and fellow food enthusiast Ruben van Alebeek over a 6 course tasting menu that they enjoyed so deeply, it had to be repeated. Since then Kanito has been the driver for multiple food infused travels across the European continent.
History: Derived from the Dutch verb Kanen, the Spanish fusion was established in Valencia in 2016 by the Famous Liewe Schrover and travel companion and fellow food enthusiast Ruben van Alebeek over a 6 course tasting menu that they enjoyed so deeply, it had to be repeated. Since then Kanito has been the driver for multiple food infused travels across the European continent.
“This Febo Frikandel I enjoyed on my way to work was nice, but not comparable in any way shape or form to the kanito I had with my mates in Amsterdam”