Kanna(from κάνναβη)-fai(Greek word for food)
Kannafai originally is a YouTube show hosted by Thiago Luis Gonzalez aka o_geraws, produced by o_geraws and directed by Sativa films. The shows content is how to use cannabis concentrates into already known food recipes. Kannafai word can also be used as a wordplay in real life as it can replace same sounding words with different meaning
Kanna(from κάνναβη)-fai(Greek word for food)
Kannafai originally is a YouTube show hosted by Thiago Luis Gonzalez aka o_geraws, produced by o_geraws and directed by Sativa films. The shows content is how to use cannabis concentrates into already known food recipes. Kannafai word can also be used as a wordplay in real life as it can replace same sounding words with different meaning
Greek wordplay for kannafai word.
Θα μαγειρέψουμε κανα(καννα) φαΐ σήμερα;
Θα μαγειρέψουμε κανα(καννα) φαΐ σήμερα;