

俚语 kanoa


A verb for getting your girl stolen by having dashing good looks, insane muscles, or by looking exactly like a cross between Ryan Gosling and Channing Tatum.
I went to the gym with my girl and I got Kanoa'd.


"Kanoa." Is usually a name taken from the Hawaiian language. In the Hawaiian language "Kanoa" Means free, and áina, which means land. But people named Kanoa are usually the nicest and funniest people you'll end up meeting. They are very goofy and usually never serious. But when they are serious, they are really serious. And when they get mad they are really mad.
Oh I love "Kanoa" He is so funny and goofy


Usually a name taken from the Hawaiin language. People named Kanoa are usually very funny and goofy, but at the face of danger they are very brave. People named Kanoa are also very easy to become friends with and they are usually very cute/hot, and are very easy to talk to. They aren't shy at all, they love doing crazy things with their friends.
"Kanoa" Is so funny and courageous


Big dick Boi, I mean big
I want to have a kanoa dick


Kanoa is that one girl everybody hates at school. Usually Hawaiian Or Chinese. She is the popular girl that everybody loves, which makes her hatable. She is smart, funny, goofy, and beautiful. She is the spitting image of perfect, but she doesn’t admit it. That’s bevause she is so dang nice.
I hate Kanoa

Kanoa Tano

A massive female dog who wears glasses, is really stupid, and can't pronounce his vocabulary. He also thinks he's "all that"
OMG... look its Kanoa Tano such an embarrassment.




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