

俚语 arved


Arved is a fucking legend, funny as fuck and will help you out in video games when you need it. He can be a asshole sometimes but he don't mean it, overall a great guy and will make your day just that little bit better.
Yoooo you spoke to arved recently?
Nah man but I need to, I miss his humour


Average Restroom Visits.

First introduced back in 1984 by Lewis Skolnick when discussing the time of travel to Adams College with Gilbert Lowell.
Lewis: It's gonna be a great year. Now, I figure with lunch and two ARVs, we should be on the road approximately _ hours, __ minutes and __ seconds.

Gilbert: ARVs?

Lewis: Average restroom visits.



An Arved is an alpha male with a big dick
Lukas: "holy shit i saw an Arved today"


He is the richest person in your friend group, and he will always be loved.
arve your the best person in the world


Alien Reproduction Vehicle: Craft manufactured on Earth by humans using back-engineered UFO technology. Term made popular by Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project.
Many sightings of UFOs in modern times are actually ARVs flown by military personnel.


ultra-mega-super wikked-awsome guy! Has one HUGE Pebus.
Arve is kewl.


an uncommon word to describe someone or something that is really disgusting and/or repulsive. should only be used under extreme circumstances. Usage of such a strong word without proper reason is punishable by death/slow torture in some countries.
Oh my God. You truly are an arve.

I am close to throwing up just thinking about how arve that thing was




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