Most unique and beautiful girl inside and out.
If you find a Katemarie In you life your lucky! Hold onto her she's loyal but also a bad temper and little to no patience, she won't let anyone hurt you. She also has a funny sense of humour she likes to have fun and joke around.
If you find a Katemarie In you life your lucky! Hold onto her she's loyal but also a bad temper and little to no patience, she won't let anyone hurt you. She also has a funny sense of humour she likes to have fun and joke around.
Example one: Katemarie got so annoyed today, she has no patience at all!
Example two: Can't wait to see Katemarie today! She always puts a smile on my face, I need a good friend in my life.
Example two: Can't wait to see Katemarie today! She always puts a smile on my face, I need a good friend in my life.