

俚语 a sad man

sad man hours

It's the time between 2 am and 5 am that a man can openly cry about his life problems
Madeline "Hey Liam was time is it? "

Liam "it's sad man hours , brb crying"

Sad Old Man

A sad old man, other than the obvious definition, is what some female vaginas look like. This is because of there resemblance to a wrinkly old guys face. They can also be heading south some what like a pensioners face does.
As the middle aged women lifted her skirt to receive her smear test the doctor cried "ewww, it looks like a sad old man!"

Sad Man's Fallacy

This is the fallacy that a sad man might pull himself out of sadness by going on Tinder/Bumble/etc. The thinking normally follows the idea that mathematically if he swipes right on enough profiles he is bound to find someone with whom to talk. this is false. He will be alone.
"Yeah the 'rona has me bored af. im gonna download tinder, swipe right on everyone and maybe meet some people and waste some time."
'Thats the Sad Man's Fallacy man, theyre not gonna swipe right either way bro. You need to focus on yourself because this is only gonna hurt'

A sad man

When sultan try’s to be cool but fails
wow sultan ur such a sad man




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:40:47