

俚语 kava no

Kava No

The sound you make when you are attacked by a horndog and their hand is over your mouth.
I smelled stinky beer breath on my neck and tried to scream but all that came out was Kava No!


The root of a plant from the South Pacific that has mild psychoactive effects. The root was traditionally chewed, but is now ground and sold world wide as tea or in capsules. It acts as a mild sedative, and is used as an herbal remedy for anxiety. It is also used in traditional ceremonies in Hawaii and other Pacific islands. Although there has not been significant evidence, there have been claims that kava may cause liver damage.
Dave takes kava for anxiety.


Kava is a beverage made from the roots of a tropical shrub that is cultivated throughout the Pacific Islands for its ability to promote positive wellbeing and pleasant relaxation without affecting mental clarity. Kava is consumed by many Pacific Island cultures including those in Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia and is known by many names including Kava Kava, Awa, Yaqona, Sakau among others.

Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji Papua New Guinea, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, and other minor Pacific Islands.

Kava is neither intoxicating like alcohol nor stimulating like coffee. It has a 3,000 year history of use as a safe and effective way to promote a state of mental wellbeing that is accompanied by marked physical relaxation. Expect to feel relaxed, at peace, and ready to socialize.
I drank 3 shells of Kava at the Root of Happiness Kava Bar last night and got bula'd


the best shop in greece! You can get drinks, aids a third degree murger charge in there!
We went to the kava yesterday, i got a monster energy can and an improvised bomb


A good drink in Fiji.
I drank Kava.


A wonderful blend of roots, dirt and water... producing very mild hallucinogenic effects and a buzzing feeling of euphoria.
-My... he's been dazed for hours, is he stoned?

-No, he's just on some Kava.


A person, not a drink for once, a very kind and caring person that has a serious face until you get to know them, generally brings a smile to your face as they are not as you expect them to be. They can tend to be a lostie at times and may even be realated to pinocchio, but at the end of the day they are down to earth and nice to be around as well. They are sometimes cluess, but I reckon they are trust worthy friend to have that will always be there whenever there is a issue. They are funny or sometimes at least try to be. Honestly a great person to talk to about the randomest of stuff.
Being Defined Kava as when they keep a serious face every single time you see them in person and they look like they are angry with the world or pissed off but it is just there normal resting face




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:31:16