

俚语 kemper mctwister

Kemper McTwister

-the kemper mctwister or (KMT) is actually a very serious problem that deals with being rapidly airborne. often during a very windy baseball game a kemp is likely to be hurled into the air by a dust tornado(twister). this is actually a very serious and scary moment for a dwarfy person. during the expirence one is often spotted scrambling for a McDonalds "McGriddles" biscuit so that he can stick his dong in the middle and beat off with the warm sensation rubbing on his pecker. thats why its called a Kemper McTwister
as i threw out the first pitch i spotted a rare Kemper McTwister in left field. i also noticed a McGriddles raper on the ground after the game. wonder where that was from??




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更新时间:2024/12/23 1:32:50