

俚语 kennedy high school

Kennedy High School

A public high school in Silver Spring, MD known for its students' desire to be seen as "ghetto" and "gangsta". It's signature programs should include teen parenting because 15 percent of students will give birth during their 4-5 years there. No principal stays more than 3 years. Teachers view going there as punishment for not kissing enough azz at their last school.
At Kennedy High School, we go hard. Hey, can your moms give us a ride to Target so we don't have to catch the bus with the kids from Wheaton.

John F. Kennedy High School

The most gangster, cholo school in the whitest neighborhood. Consists of 2,000 Mexicans, 700 Blacks, 300 Asian, and 30 White Kids. Has a bad reputation for lock downs that last all afternoon just because a group of cholos came to the attendance office
no example for john f. kennedy high school

John F. Kennedy High School

This is the most delusional school ever. The teachers think we are in college marking u like college students. A couple teachers especially a economic teacher. Ur grade can fluctuate so much that the day before graduation u could have a A. But the next day it would be a C. The only redeeming quality is the clubs & activities. The most boring school u can ever come to but at the same time the most stressful. Football team goes on a loosing streak but the school puts 90% of its funds into it. While other sports are being neglected like a kid on prim night.
John F. Kennedy High School is like purgatory.

John F Kennedy High School

The most amazing school. they are not "drug dealers" or "uneducated" becuase we do not go to some dumb preppy school. GOD IS GOOD....ALL THE TIME....AND ALL THE TIME....GOD IS GOOD.
Hey did you hear about that cool Anna Girl?


SHE GOES TO John F Kennedy High School

Kennedy Catholic High School

Home to many of the typical high school social classes&nuns who can't teach for their life.
-Preps- the most common (it IS a Catholic school, isn't it?). People who belong to this are: cheerleaders who think they're all that, but really can't do a hurkey; football players, who haven't won a game in the past ten years; and the (very annoying) smart kids.
-The oh-so-fake emo group. There aren't many of them, but theys wear as much eyeliner as they can&pretend to not give a crap about their grades.
- Thought it's a Catholic school, there are more gays than in NYC; parents send their kids there as "punishment" for their "sexual lifestyle" &the kids who think they're normal, but are super-annoying& don't leave the REAL normal people alone. (See stage 5 clinger)

-Freshmen: Babies who don't know how to walk in hallways. There's that group of freshmen who think they're hotter than anyone else, challenging the upper-classmen in volume levels, grades & even dating them.
-Sophomores: Obviously survived Freshmen year, so they think that entitles them to be the "Coolest Kids in School" and trample anyone in their path. Most obnoxious & dread actual work, like to complain.
-Juniors: Actually are serious about grades- they have college coming up. Suck-up to teachers, and try to flirt with the hot ones, which Kennedy has maybe two- visit their favorite teachers daily.
-Seniors: Can't wait to get out. The idiots flirt with the ditzy freshmen cheerleaders. Generally keep to themselves,.
Oh, you go to Kennedy Catholic High School? Are you gay or did you just think the uniform is sexy?

Kennedy Catholic High School

A private catholic school in Somers, NY. Everyone in this school is miserable, literally. Most kids go cuz they’ve been to catholic school all their life or their parents just force them. Foreign language sucks over here, and the girls have to wear these ugly ass skirts all year round with no stockings sometimes, what the frick. All the cheerleaders get along with everyone in the school just cuz and the guys are players. Everyone here is friends and they are all miserable together.
No school:
Kennedy Catholic High School: let’s give our kids strict ass rules and teach nothing

Kennedy Catholic High School

Worth the trip
Kennedy Catholic High School is Catholic education that's worth the trip




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