

俚语 kentucky cum copter

Kentucky Cum Copter

The act of tightly tying a cord of some fashion (nylon, twine, hemp, etc.) around the shaft of one's penis. The other end of the cord is tied around an object, preferably quite heavy.

The individual then spins in either direction as fast as he can manage, making the weight come up in the air as he does. This continues until the man finally attains climax, and splooges all over the surrounding area.

Often used as both a workout and a way to sabotage precious space.
Guy 1: "Dude did you hear about how well I pulled off that Kentucky Cum Copter the other day?"
Guy 2: "Yeah bro... Your tic tac dick could only hold ten pounds, I was doing 45's the other day!"

"I'm going to Kentucky Cum Copter the crap out of your guys' room when you're not looking!"

"I'm a little bi-curious, so I like to Kentucky Cum Copter in the showers barefoot"




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