The secret codename of the popular fictional being known as Shrek. It is his name backwards. This name is only used by the elites of society and is meant to be kept secret. Another word commonly used with this is Ergo, which represents the word Ogre.
The name is Kerhs, Kerhs Ergo.
Someone who identifies closely with Shrek, almost to be classified as an obsession. It is known to call someone a Kerhs to reverse the Shrekness in them, somewhat like a spell.
Aiden is like, a total Kerhs. If only he could get over his obsession, and live a normal life.
A word used to replace yes, or an agreement of some kind.
Alternate spellings include Ker, Kerrhh or other variations of this sort.
Alternate spellings include Ker, Kerrhh or other variations of this sort.
Him: Do you want to be my fuck buddy?
Her: Kerh!
Her: Kerh!