

俚语 kerplop


A sudden "drop" in interest.
When Austin delved into Alycia's jungle of mystic exploration, he discovered that the weeds were to high to trudge through. Therefore, his peepee went kerplop.


Of or relating to the website kerplops.com. A Plop is a random utterance. Kerplops is a compliation of these random utterances.
Hey man, you should post that at kerplops.com


The sound your poop makes when it hits the water.
My girlfriend was on the can the other day and I heard a loud hissing but it wasn't until the kerplop I knew she was also taking a dump!



1. The splashing sound poop makes in a toilet bowl with a decent amount of water
The poops went kerplop(s)

Keyser Kerplop

Like it’s cousin the Cleveland Steamer, the Keyser Kerplop involves laying down a deuce upon ones sexual partners chest or groin. This iteration however is taken after stopping by and eating too much at Extended Family Funeral wakes or after eating too many chillie dogs from Marties Hot Dog Stand on Main Street.
Did You hear about Charlie?
No,why what happened…
He ate too much food at the Bergman family wake and after going home and getting frisky with his life partner Davis, he unloaded a Keyser Kerplop that was heard three blocks away….


A phrase one uses when annoying their friends
You: Kerplop,kerplop,kerplop
Friend: We get it already! STFU!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:46:31