

俚语 key in the hole

key in the hole

A game where you put your dick in a ass or pussy
Hey wanna play key in the hole 😉

key holing

Key holing is a part of certain people's sexual life. It means that during sex not only the penis, but the balls as well are in the vagina/anus.
Can be used as a verb too.
1.Oh my god!! Last night I was key holing my girlfriend very hard!
2. Hey, look at that chic! I would keyhole her right now!

Key hole

Key hole loves breaking windows and eating broccoli pie. Once he threw a child through a window and sold his kidneys to santa.
Key hole is top g

Key Hole Surgery

When you wrap a towel around your forefinger and give your ringpiece a good scrub after taking a shower.
Mary: Whats all these brown marks on the towel?
Bill: Oh, sorry, i was doing some key hole surgery.

There’s a key for every hole

Another way of saying , ‘There’s someone for everyone’; The key referring to the male genitalia and the hole referring to the female
‘Who the hell wants that?’

‘Well you know what they say, there’s a key for every hole… and some holes have a lot of keys.’




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