

俚语 keytard


In online gaming and forums, a person who consistently fails at typing. This includes, but is not limited to: TYPING IN ALL CAPS, nevner correetcing typeios, neglecting to use punctuation (in cases where it is vital), and using excessive special characters!!!!!!!!!!@!>>>>!>>@!
Joshrcool: HAY WHATS TEH FASTERST WAY TO BEATT THSI BOSS MY GRUOP HASNT BEAT HIM YET??????????????????? <3333333333333 ANYONE THA THLEPS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mmopwnage: You fail, keytard.


An 80's tribute rocker, that uses a "keytar" as an instrument that simulates the sounds of other instruments and/or annoying sounds. Ex. The Connecticut 80's band "Plastica"
The Connecticut 80's band "Plastica", has a keyboardist that plays a "Keytar", hence... he is a Keytard ie. He shows signs of Keytardism.


A term used to describe an out of line CB radio operator. An individual that "keys up" his mic and will play music, or behave in some manner to disrupt normal communication on the channel.
"Listen to that keytard on channel 19 fucking with the drivers"


Someone that doesn't know how to use a computer properly, uses google, uses an i-pod, and/or types slow.
John: Kegan deleted his I386 folder.

Sean: What a Keytard.


A description of how wasted someone gets at any event involving the 80's while referencing an instrument that was heavily involved in music production during that time.
Oh man...I got super keytarded last night when we saw that cover band Bon Journey at that stripmall club.


(Verb) To rock the fuck out on a keytar.
- Lets get 'keytarded' this weekend.


The act of forgetting the location your house or car keys more than twice a day.

Etymology: The word was constructed from "keytar" a guitar shaped instrument with keys.
person 1: Damn that is the third time I have lost my keys today!
person 2:Dude, you are seriously keytarded...




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