

俚语 khayne


Khayne is an amazing person. He excells in his hobbies, which is outdoor fun (especially fishing) and is a great shot. He is handsome, tall, funny, smart and are known to be a people person, not afraid to talk to anyone they choose. Haydon's wish to be him, but can never achieve such excellence. Khayne's are also family people, caring alot for them but not always showing it. Khayne's do not care what people say about them as they already know that they are better than them but always stick up for themselves. This makes Khayne's quite disobediant to anyone that is not family and giving them a bad boy posture. Khayne's can also become cocky and flirticious when they choose. Girls adore Khayne's and desire them but Khayne's do not care much for this as their hobbies are much more interesting. If a girl ever get's a Khayne, do not let him go.
Guy1: Oh my God look sam, it's Khayne. Do you wreckon I'm as cool as him?
Sam: Not a chance Haydon.


A fat pig with a very small dick whi hasnt seen his dick in 30 years
Oh look mom its a khayne


A fat pig with a very small dick
Oh look mom its a khayne




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:46:57