Khizer Ahmed
A guy who always says "yo yh" to everything and spans one message across six different lines. Someone with this name is an NPC and always chats shit about other people, but in reality deep down knows that he's trying to get enjoyment out of attempting to belittle others, because he cannot do such an act to his younger brother, whom would wreck him in a fight. This guy wanks off to a fake discord girlfriend which he probably calls 'kitten', and always talks about using cream on her. Khizer has scored more goals at football than he has braincells, coming in at a vast goal count of two goals, with his one braincell telling him to repeat the same phrase over and over again. Somebody with the name "Khizer", is commonly depicted in a groupchat arranging to meet at a chicken shop, which he goes to every day, yet somehow is skinnier than a twig, and has the audacity to call other people around him weak.
How could I have been so stupid! I am such a Khizer Ahmed. Let me spam the groupchat again because I am an NPC.