

俚语 kick ball month

kick ball month

in november all of the girls are allowed to kick as many balls as they want and they can’t do anything back
‘did you hear its kick ball month in november?’

Kick balles month

You can kick mens balles in October
I kicked your balles because it is kick balles month

Kick balls month

On November 1st anyone can kick a boy in the balls no matter what.
Girl:It’s November 1st so you have to be nice to me

Girl:Because it’s kick balls month
Boy:Oh no

Kick balls month

Kick the balls
Wow its kick balls month lemme kick some

Kick balls month

On November 1st anyone can kick a boy in the balls no matter what.
Girl:Hey guess what it’s November 1st
Girl:So you have to be nice to me

Girl:Because it’s kick balls month
Boy:Oh no

Kick in the balls month november

Kick in the balls
Hej im going to kick you in the balls because it is the kick in the balls month november

Kick in the balls month november

Kick in the balls
Kick in the balls month november




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