

俚语 kicking pussy

Kicking pussy

Doing nothing.

Not doing anything useful.
This Alexey was just kicking pussy all day long instead of working.

Kick Back Pussy

someone who has had sexual reltions with your homies and enjoys to be a team player

Also suggestive of a cuddle buddy.. someone who you fuck and chill with out strings or stipulations
lemme get some of that kick back Pussy"

aye homie you with that ol "kick back pussy"? I had her ass too and the whole crew.....

pussy kick

Getting kicked in pussy
I pussy kicked my friends today. I was fun!!

super pussy kick

A kick to a pussy involving at least a 30 meter running start and a strong follow through; acceptable outcomes would be getting your foot stuck, having her achieve air time, or the ending of any relationship with the recipient.
I didn't know how to break up with her, so I gave her a super pussy kick.

Roundhouse pussy kick

When you're fucking a chick and she tells you she has an std, you pull out quickly out roundhouse her in the pussy
Dude, i was fucking this chick last night and she told me she had herpes, I roundhouse pussy kicked the shit out of her




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