

俚语 kick in the dick

kick in the dick

An disappointment after having wasted a lot of effort on something.
We spent so much time working on Rhapsody in Blue last term, and because of the France Tour, orchestra rehearsals have been cancelled this term so now we'll have to relearn the whole piece next term. It's a real kick in the dick for all of us.

Kick in the dick

1.) A disappointment
2.) What happens to a man because:
-He's being an arrogant bastard
-His girlfriend/wife probably needed to control him
-His girlfriend/wife was probably a sadistic bitch who wanted to see him in pain so she could laugh at him hysterically
1.) I got the score for my finals back. They were a kick in the dick; I totally failed...
2.) Jennie kicked Claude in the dick because he was an arrogant bastard... and she was a sadistic bitch and just wanted a cheap, shallow thrill.

Kick in the dick

An unnecessary final blow. Being kicked while you're down.
"Ain't that a kick in the dick!"

Ain't that a kick in the dick

A saying for when something shitty happens.
When something is an oxymoron/ironic.
Twin 1: "hey friend my girlfriend just dumped me."
Friend: "i'm sorry, who did she leave you for?"
Twin 2: "Me!"
Friend: "Well, ain't that a kick in the dick?"

kicked in the dick hole

To be finely screwed over.
To have been taken for a ride with sheer finesse.
Getting had so well that you never knew it until much later.
To complete a task without any problems.
To hit a target with pin point accuracy.
"I just checked the bank balance, we've been kicked in the dick hole!"

kicked it in the dick

to have excelled at or to triumphed within and action or calling
person 1 - "how was your interview"
person 2 - "kicked it in the dick"

Kicked dick

An amped-up, testosterone (with a hint of estrogen) fueled version of "kicked ass". When an event, party, night out, etc. goes well beyond what would be conventionally expected or at all appropriate, taking it completely to the next level. In either a great, terrible or an utterly disturbing way.
Dude #1- That beerfest birthday pubcrawl yesterday totally "kicked dick".
Dude #2- Oh my God I know, if Richard Marx was alive he would totally write a song about it.
Dude #1- Wait, what? Hey, do you know how to get dead hooker smell out of a tuxedo?
Dude #2- Yeah, it's just like getting gum out, you have to rub more dead hooker on it.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:24:53