Flowers bloom, life flourish and the gates to heaven opens wide when Kidan’e walks the earth. He is the the God that has mastered his spiritual wisdom and ascended to a higher plane of reality and is the saviour to his people and is written he created the galaxies, stars and home planet of Sirius and believed he’ll come back again to take them there. Some say he’s already born in a mortal body....
GTA civilian 1: there’s no such thing as god, you fool!
Intellectual: Kidan’e will rise to split the earth in two and wash away evil!
GTA civilian now an intellectual: wow, you’ve completely changed my view point in life! Thanks!
Intellectual: Kidan’e will rise to split the earth in two and wash away evil!
GTA civilian now an intellectual: wow, you’ve completely changed my view point in life! Thanks!