

俚语 kiddos


Another name for calling someone a kid. Someone who is most likely younger then you.
Hey *kiddo* how are you


Someone who shouldn't be on this site.
Dad: Hey kiddo, whatcha doing?
Kiddo: Reading urban dictionary definitions. Hey, have you and mommy ever done a bukkake?


someone you love, probably a good friend or just someone you admire.
boy-"hey kiddo"


A nickname people use for you if they are either, older than you, or like a parental figure.
"Hey Kiddo!"

"Hi Pat"


Derogatory term meant to piss someone off in order to elicit a reaction
Hey kiddo, why don't you put on your big-boy pants and act like a man


What Bill calls The Bride in Kill Bill. At first it seems to be a patronizing nickname until you realize her real name is Beatrix Kiddo.
Bill: Do you find me sadistic? You know, Kiddo, I'd like to believe that you're aware enough even now to know that there's nothing sadistic in my actions. At this moment, this is me at my most masochistic.

The Bride: Bill, it's your baby.

Bill: Was my reaction really that surprising?

The Bride: Yes, it was. Could you do what you did? Of course you could. But, I never thought you would or could do that to me.

Bill: I'm really sorry, Kiddo. But you thought wrong.


A term you can use to your girlfriend to be a term of endearment.
"Hey there kiddo, you're fucking hot tonight."

"I love you kiddo."




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