

俚语 kill kill


The stongest possible form of marijuana. Usually in the form of buds.
Tre-Fo' let me get some of that Kill-Kill!

Kill Kill

Better than dank, the cream of the crop of weed, more potent than one hitter quitter, unexplainable
I got some kill kill.
That shit is kill kill.
Can you get any kill kill?

kill kill

When someones really good in bed.
" He was amazing. He's got that kill kill. "

Kill La Kill

Perhaps the most popular anime of 2014. Known for fight scenes and high amounts of fanservice.
Take everything that makes Gurren Lagann so epic and everything that makes Fooly Cooly so bizzare and you've got Kill La Kill.

kill la kill

An anime Where one of the characters doesn't have many cloths
u are very kill la kill

Kill it, kill it with fire

When something is so ugly it just has to die.
Did you hear about the chupacabra sighting, i heard they were said, "Kill it, kill it with fire, it's so ugly"

Kill or be Killed

Used as an answer for someone asking you why you did betray them while you two (or more people) where a Team in a game where playing in teams wasn't an option but you decided to be team anyways, the answer makes reference that, even being a team, at the end of the game, it was still Everyone vs Everyone, and you only used them just to achieve your goals easier via manipulation, trickery, and similar
Guy A: *gets killed by his partner while playing Skywars* DUDE, WHY DID YA KILL ME?
Guy B: because it's KILL OR BE KILLED buddy, and you FELL IN MY TRAP




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