

俚语 kill spawn

Kill spawn

As opposed to spawn killing (when you repeatedly kill your opponents directly upon their spawn), kill spawning is when one spawns and immediately kills an enemy, out of extraordinary luck and/or crappy respawn-placements.
I was just walking about on Foundry, enjoying my cyber-existance as an Elite, feeling good about the world, and some red guy just spontaneously materialized and kill spawned me. Thank you, Bungie.

Spawn kill

They were spawn killed

Spawn Kill

In a multiplayer combat game (particularly a First Person Shooter) to kill another player as they spawn. This is dishonorable because the player is unable to react before they are dead or have taken significant damage, and depending on the game may be weaponless or inadequately armed. Often abreviated to SK.

v. To spawn kill
n. One who spawn kills
"Stop spawn killing and get some skills you lamer!"

"Everyone kill the SK!"

Spawn Killing

Usually in a FPS (First Person Shooter) game. Being killed when you spawn. Usually known as SK
Im gonna kick that noob if he spawn kills again.

I suck so much I just got spawn killed

Spawn Killing isnt aloud on this server.

I <3 to SK! Im a rambo medic!

Spawn kill

a professional or homemade abortion
When a 14 year old gives birth in a bathroom and stuffs the baby in a trash can and another girl walks in and yells “spawn kill!”

Spawn Kill

Killing someone where they spawn. A good way to farm kills.
Joe: F*** out of spawn and go complete the level moron.
Bob: Well too bad I spawn kill

Spawn Kill

When your teacher posts your grades on the first day of the semester, and you don't have one of the first day assignments like the syllabus.
Half the class got spawn killed by the teacher because they hadn't signed their syllabus yet.




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