

俚语 kill the lights!

Kill The Lights!

When you hide under you crushes bed and wait for her to go to sleep.
Nigge 1 - Yo bro why are you in a good mood

Nigge 2 - It's nothing all I did with my girl is Kill The Lights!
Nigge 1 - You don't have a girlfriend

Nigge 2 - Don't worry about it

kill the lights

"cut power tothe lights by positioning the switch into the off position"
kill the lights, I don't want anyone to see me fuck this passed out jail bait.

Killing lights

To kill ones vibes
Yo that dude is really killing lights right now bro!

kill light

Large D-cell maglite (sometimes 6-D cell length), basically a long milled aluminum bat, which biker gangs carry for use as a weapon with multiple uses. Much more legal for open carry than a purpose-made club, axe handle, sap, or blackjack.
"Did you see what happened last night?"
"Big Al gave some punk the beatdown with his kill light. Blood everywhere."




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更新时间:2024/9/21 10:57:43